Scala della magnitudo innovativa per misurare l'attrazione spaziale del trasferimento tecnologico (Scale of technology magniture for measuring the spatial attract of technology transfer)

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Scala della magnitudo innovativa per misurare l'attrazione spaziale del trasferimento tecnologico (Scale of technology magniture for measuring the spatial attract of technology transfer)


WP 04/2003; Analogous to the Richter Scale for earthquakes, you introduce the Scale of Technological Magnitude (SMAT in Italian), an event scale to quantify the size and impact of technology transfer in geo-economic environment and adopters. It is based on number of technological contacts and computed integrating the technology transfer function over space horizons ranging for belts of 200 km. The purpose is to analyse the spatial behaviour both of technological sources, and technological transfer for understanding the inner dynamics and geo-economical impact. The data of some research labs, located in the Northwest Italy and operating in the technological fields, are used. The results have shown a high magnitude of technology transfer within industrial district and a reduction in the intensity as the epicentral distance from the source increase. Same concluding remarks are discussed.


Mario Coccia


CNR Ceris


