Rapporto Tecnico CNR-IRCrES

Rapporto Tecnico CNR-IRCrES

Technical reports CNR-IRCrES
70 objects


Analysis and Application of Generative Transformational Artificial Intelligence

Alberto Stefanini
RT 15; Two case studies on ChatGPT. The paper aims at outlining the impact of generative transformational Artificial Intelligence from a profane viewpoint and its potential and current socio-economic impact, with emphasis on the Italian landscape. To that end, it begins with a review of the way the technology was received in Italy by the general public and by linguistic specialists. Then it provides an overview on recent developments of Artificial Intelligence and a compilation of books and sources that discuss artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and the development of generative AI. A survey of potential and current application of the technology is provided and two case studies concerning generation of narrative and of computer codes are discussed. The whole paper is structured in such a way as to give a view of the main expected impacts and risks of this emerging technology to a public of economists.

Innovazione e Cooperazione Tecnologica nei Distretti Industriali Italiani

Angelo Bonomi
RT 13; This report covers an experience of about 30 years in promoting technological cooperation in Italian industrial districts, and in particular in districts producing taps and valves with positive results, and in a district producing households with negative results. The article describes how multiclient methodologies and management, used by contract research organizations for an international clientele composed by great and multinational industries, has been transferred and adapted to the dimension and capabilities of industrial district firms. The problem of technological innovation in SMEs is represented by lacking of funds for R&D, but it is also accompanied by difficulties in the identification of the real interesting technological innovations for a development. That has made necessary to carry out in industrial districts preliminary studies on the type of technological innovations that are of interest for a cooperation. In the 30 years of activity have been carried out four studies about the needs of technology innovation, the first at the beginning in 1996, about problems of materials in contact with drinking water, the second in 2006 on new materials and surface treatments for taps and valves production, the third in 2008 concerning the household industry, and the fourth in 2022 concerning the digital and environmental transitions interesting the tap and valves industry. These studies, with the exception of that about household industry, have generated a certain number of identified R&D projects after carried out as multiclient studies.

Piano di Comunicazione dell’Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile (CNR-IRCrES)

Serena Fabrizio, Anna Perin, Isabella Maria Zoppi, Igor Benati, Giampaolo Vitali
RT 14; Developed as a strategic guide for CNR-IRCrES, this Communication Plan aims to optimize communication activities. It begins by understanding context and goals, outlining the Institute’s vision and strategic objectives for effective communication to enhance research. The first part explores critical communication nodes, delving into the context of Public Research Institutions and defining mission and research lines of CNR-IRCrES. Target groups, stakeholders, and a distinctive visual identity are identified. The Plan addresses both internal and external communication, emphasizing channel choices and proposing opportunities for improvement. Strategies for channel usage are outlined based on target audience and communication objectives. A phase for monitoring and evaluating communication impact is included, defining criteria, tools, and metrics. The Plan concludes with coordination, detailed planning, and budget management, emphasizing an integrated and result-oriented approach for long-term success in CNR-IRCrES communication initiatives.


Organizzare un evento scientifico

MARCO De Biase, Serena Micheletti
RT 12; This technical report aims at describing the different types of events, such as symposiums, lecturers, seminars and workshops, with particular reference to on-site scientific events. It defines their different phases and the different roles of the various subjects involved in the organisation. It also analyses the importance of promotion and communication strategies.


Kidseconomics® 2015/2018

Maurizio Lupo, Luca Balletti, Daniela Gaggero, Francesca Messina, Cecilia Tria
RT 10; “Kidseconomics®" is the educational activity developed by CNR to introduce the basic concepts of economics in primary and lower secondary school education. Economic science permeates the daily life of children and young people and is essential to the life of informed and aware citizens, however it is not included in didactic programmes of the first school years. "Kidseconomics®" therefore represents the first opportunity of economic literacy for many young people. Since 2015, an educational workshop has been proposed during festivals and science events and in the schools of three pilot cities: Genoa, Naples and Turin.

Kidseconomics® 2019/2020

Maurizio Lupo, Luca Balletti, Daniela Gaggero, Francesca Messina, Cecilia Tria
RT 11; “Kidseconomics®" is the educational activity developed by CNR to introduce the basic concepts of economics in primary and lower secondary school education. In the first 5 years of activity it has reached about 6,000 students. Starting from the school year 2019/2020, the didactic proposal also includes laboratories, workshops and school/work alternation projects designed to meet the curiosity and skills of students of higher school grades. The contents therefore present a growing level of in-depth analysis, but the proposed methods and involvement remain those of informal teaching.


Principi e modalità di rendicontazione dei costi nell’ambito del Programma Europeo H2020

Marco De Biase, Raffaele Sestito
RT 09; The report seeks to analyse the principles governing the H2020 Framework Programme and the methods of reporting costs incurred in implementing project activities, by focusing on the features of the financial tool, on the type of costs and on the controls system through which the European Commission monitors compliance with the obligations under the Grant Agreement


Il sito web del PRIN 2017(Prot.2017NKWYFC)

Marco De Biase
RT 08; Il documento intende fornire una breve descrizione degli elementi strutturali e contenutistici del sito web da me realizzato per il PRIN - Prot. 2017NKWYFC (http://prinvalutazione.ircres.cnr.it/): “Gli effetti della valutazione sulla ricerca accademica: produzione della conoscenza e problemi metodo-logici”, partendo da un rapido excursus sul software attraverso il quale è stato creato, “Joomla!”.

Linee guida per la realizzazione di un Osservatorio Regionalesulle Nanotecnologie e le Nanoscienze

Ugo Finardi
RT 07; This research report presents the guidelines for the realization of a Regional Observatory on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies.


Data on joint programming in the European Research Area: An overview of JoREP 2.0 database

Andrea Orazio Spinelli
RT 05; This technical report provides an insight into the main features and the analytical potential of JoREP 2.0 database, a resource that allows for multifaceted representations of the organisational and financial characteristics of transnational R&D programmes in the European Research Area. Target of the database includes the community of Science and Innovation studies, and all the researchers interested in the study of the Europeanisation of research activities and the dynamics related to transnational R&D funding.

Follow the Byterfly and enjoy open knowledge

Giancarlo Birello, Anna Perin
RT 06; Can a repository answer to the five laws of Library Science, proposed by S. R. Ranganathan in 1931? This report presents an overview of “Byterfly” repository model, including the adopted metadata, the used software, and the policies.


Archivio Studi Adriatici (ASA) al servizio della ricerca: istruzioni per l’uso

Simona Armeli Minicante, Giancarlo Birello, Alessandro Ceregato, Anna Perin
RT 04; The Archivio di Studi Adriatici (ASA) is a repository of the Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR-CNR) of Venice, completely open source and open access. It was developed in cooperation with the IRCRES-CNR of Turin with the aims to preserve and to make accessible the natural collections, heritage books, documents and maps of the Institute of Marine Sciences. Digitized specimens and metadata, compiled using Dublin Core and Simple Darwin Core formats, are preserved into a Fedora Repository,public accessed by Islandora framework and reachable through the website www.archiviostudiadriatici.it


FABB Repository dal progetto al prototipo. Nuove forme di conservazione, condivisione e valorizzazione di opere digitali

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti, Anna Perin
RT 03; FABB project (Famine and Feast, Fame e Abbondanza) has been committed by Fondazione CRT. This technical report analyzes the strategies adopted and the main open-source software used. Ircres-CNR has deployed the software and server platforms of the repository, in a virtualized and redundant infrastructure, it also take care of the design, development and management of the web portal (front-end) for the presentation, research and consulting data of the digitalized items (lyrics, lyrics text, interviews, books, poems).


A social network for innovation: the SpinBook Project

Alberto Paparello, Pasqualino Serafino
RT 02; This technical report concerns IT development of a meeting social platform for the enhancement of skills and the scientific results of Italian research, using the open-source frameworks, mainly Spring Tool Suite (STS).

GBrowse installation and customization to display the Gigaspora margarita BEG34 mitochondrial genome data

Stefano Ghignone, Francesco Venice, Giancarlo Birello, Paola Bonfante
RT 01; The Generic Genome Browser (GBrowse) is a simple but highly configurable web-based genome browser. GBrowse consists in a combination of database, interactive web pages and a rich set of utilities for manipulating and displaying annotations on genomes. The Gbrowse platform has been largely used as visualization tool for most of the model organisms. This tutorial shows how to configure a GBrowse genome browser installation to display the mitochondrial genome annotation of the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Gigaspora margarita BEG34.


Benefit analysis. Assessing the cost of blackouts in case of attack. Evaluation based on Italian and Polish case studies

Clementina Bruno, Graziano Abrate, Hanna Bartoszewicz-Burczy, Andrés Cortes, Antonio Diu, Enrique Doheijo, Fabrizio Erbetta, Greta Falavigna, Ugo Finardi, Giovanni Fraquelli, Luca Guidi, Azahara Lorite-Espejo, Valentina Moiso, Daniela Pestonesi, Elena Ragazzi, Tadeusz Wlodarczyk
RT 52; This report provides an economic quantification of the benefits of implementing security standards, expressed in terms of avoided costs of blackouts. The evaluation considers specifically the blackouts described in the Italian and Polish trials, employing a mixed methodology relying on the “production function” approach for the non-household sector, while an econometric method based on survey data (stated preferences) is used for household consumers. With reference to non-households, a separate evaluation is carried on for the electricity industry. The results show that the costs of blackout are substantial, either for household and non-household consumers, and largely exceed the damage suffered by the utilities ue to lost sales. Finally, since for non-households only losses in production are considered, we provide, in a separate section, three case studies demonstrating that some industries can suffer relevant additional blackout costs

Cost analysis of standard implementation in the SCADA Systems of electric critical infrastructures

Giuseppe Calabrese, Ugo Finardi, Elena Ragazzi
RT 53; This study presents an analysis of costs deriving from the implementation of security standards for SCADA systems of electric critical infrastructures. It is produced concluding the path of ESSENCE project and it starts from the experience of the two case studies performed in its context. It aims at obtaining a reasoned measure of the costs needed to implement the standards. The first section contains an introduction describing the main hurdles and sets of problems encountered in the implementation of cost analysis. Then the generalities of the two case studies are introduced, followed by the detailed evidence outlined from both. At the end of the study useful suggestions for Transmission System Operators and Generation Operators are offered, besides a reasoned set of figures assessing the costs on the implementation of security systems

Italian Case Study: socio-economic impact analysis of a cyber attack to a power plant in an Italian scenario. Cost and benefit estimation of CIPS standard adoptions. A reduced version

Valentino Angeletti, Marco Biancardi, Marco Alessi, Graziano Abrate, Clementina Bruno, Fabrizio Erbetta, Giovanni Fraquelli, Azahara Lorite-Espejo, Luca Guidi, Daniela Pestonesi
RT 55; The Italian Case study is a comprehensive report in which a possible attack scenario to a thermoelectric power plant is described in the Italian electric grid context and an assessment of social-economic impact is evaluated. A cost-benefit analysis of the adoption of comprehensive CIP standards is estimated. This is a reduced version of a full report in order to have a public deliverable purged from sensitive and confidential information

Polish case study. Scenario based assessment of costs and benefits of adoption of comprehensive CIP standards

Hanna Bartoszewicz-Burczy, Clementina Bruno, Fernando García, Tadeusz Włodarczyk
RT 56; The Polish case study describes results of simulations of cyber-attacks on the Polish transmission system of electricity and compares the economic and social impact of these attacks, assumed to occur in situations where the system is working in normal operation, versus situations where standards are implemented as additional security countermeasures and the same incident arises. This work analyses security measures defined in selected documents, tandardization, evaluates their effectiveness relative to attack scenarios, as well as implementation costs in comparison to weight of potential losses resulting from non-implementation. On this basis, a list of recommended safety measures, which guarantee high level of security and the highest level of return, has been prepared

Progetto second chance school. Una proposta di innovazione nei tirocini per la scuola superiore

Erica Rizziato, Erika Nemmo, Luca Giachi
RT 54; This technical report describes a project to innovate apprenticeship in secondary school. Such project is characterized by the combination of an innovative approach to organizational development and an nnovation in learning, which stimulate the generation of some of the key competences, required by European Union. This will be realized by proposing a new type of connection between school and external organizations which brings added value to both and stimulate motivation of young people to learn by experience

Terms of Reference for the trials

Antonio Diu
RT 51; The aim of the report “Terms of Reference for the trials” is to carefully present the impact of malicious incidents, or natural ones, on the main layers of an electric system. The single components of the service, physical, communication and cyber layer have been described and a procedure for the estimation of the possible damage of an incident has been reported. Attacks might affect large portions of the European power system, make restoration difficult and cause huge societal impact. In fact, due to the interconnection of the networks, a blackout in one or more countries could derive from an attack directed to neighbouring countries facilities, Thus there is a need for establishing the economic and organisational impact of the implementation of emerging cyber security frameworks in Europe. Cyber security needs first of all to define tests to verify the impact of standard procedure or countermeasures designed to limit the consequences of incidents on each layer. The report presents the test in order to verify: the security criteria and calculate the operative costs; apply the emergency or attach scenario; apply standards and countermeasures and evaluate the standards and countermeasures. The objective of this project is to identify costs and benefits for industrial stakeholders and for the society on an objective basis, and outline organisational processes whereve beneficial. To do so, a general procedure has been designed and applied on two particular cases of cyber - attacks: a SCADA based Control System operated by a TSO; a control room of a thermal Power Plant, operated by a generation utility. Along the text of this report, the aspects related to the physical system are included only to have a global view of potential attacks and the standards and countermeasures that will potentially reduce the vulnerability of the systems or speed up the restoration

Trial evaluation: conclusive lessons from Essence case studies

Fernando García Gutiérrez, Elena Ragazzi
RT 57; Several cyber-security frameworks have been developed to protect critical infrastructures from cyber-attacks, but it was rather difficult to anticipate costs and benefits of their adoption, although worldwide experience had shown that both are huge. This report summarises the results of the ESSENCE project, discussing the methodology used in the case-studies, and discusses the open issues and the policy implications. The analysisn clearly shows that from a mere economic viewpoint, electric companies have no incentive to increase their security levels, as the annual costs of those countermeasures is much greater than their direct cost of the economic losses derived from a single blackout. However the total cost of an event for the society as a whole is by far greater than the annual cost of the said countermeasures


Attack scenarios. Threats, vulnerabilities, and attack scenarios along with their selection criteria

Marco Alessi, Hanna Bartoszewicz-Burczy, Andrés Cortes, Fernando García, Daniela Pestonesi, Tadeusz Włodarczyk
RT 48; Attack Scenario is a comprehensive report in which are listed current and future threats to the control systems of a power network, such as malicious cyber-attacks, human failure or simultaneous hardware breakdown, in order to establish a rank of them regarding the likelihood of their occurrence and the preparedness of the most frequent used control systems in Europe to handle them.

Considerations on the implementation of SCADA standards on critical infrastructures of power grids . Special ESSENCE series on security standards for critical infrastructures.

Ugo Finardi, Elena Ragazzi, Alberto Stefanini
RT 47; Many standards, frameworks or guidelines have been developed for the protection of critical infrastructures. The paper reviews the ones that can directly or indirectly concern the power systems, analyzing their matureness, wideness and specificity of scope, points of strength and weakness. Some challenges facing both policy makers/regulators and firms for their implementation are discussed in the conclusion

Domanda e offerta di ricerca e sviluppo nella PMI italiana. Due casi studio: il NISLabVCO e il Consorzio Ruvaris

Angelo Bonomi
RT 46; This work considers two case studies concerning R&D offer by NISLabVCO, a research laboratory for industrial R&D projects, and R&D demand by Consorzio Ruvaris, composed by a group of firms in the sector of taps and valves, and dedicated to technology innovation. In both cases the study has been carried out for a period of six years since starting of their activity. An appropriate benchmarking has been considered for the study and constituted by professional contract research, in the case of NISLabVCO, and R&D management as carried out in the big industry, in the case of Consorzio Ruvaris. In the case of NISLabVCO it has been observed an undeniable positive effect on technology innovation in its territory, however, human and financial resources available are not sufficient for development of the laboratory and competitive innovations. In the case of Consorzio Ruvaris it has been shown the validity of SMEs cooperation for technology innovation and good results have been obtained for cooperative learning by doing, however, management of R&D is too much similar to that of learning by doing to be effective in developing really competitive innovations. Questions on public aid concern the fact that both organizations are not generally directly eligible to such aids. Furthermore, in the case of Consorzio Ruvaris, the regionalization of R&D aids in Italy makes difficult cooperative participation of SMEs in the same sector but in different territories. Finally it is suggested to focus public aid in prefeasibility studies for contract research organizations and in specific critical moments of innovation development to make more effective the science to business process.

KVM: an open-source framework for virtualization

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti, Anna Perin
RT 44; This report analyses the configuration steps of the open-source hypervisor component KVM, (Kernelbased Virtual Machine). KVM solution is used for digiBESS (open-source project of digital archive) and all network services as web and application servers, user backup, long term archive and e-mail.

Progetti OrMa e SAPIL: la formazione-sviluppo per un placement universitario innovativo e la generazione di nuove capacità

Erica Rizziato, Erika Nemmo
"RT 50; This technical report describes two innovative projects of University placement. Such projects are char acterized by the combination of an innovative approach to organizational development and an innovation in the relationship linking universities and organizations. Placement takes into consideration not only personal profiles but above all the capacity of bringing innovation into the organizational process, or organizational process. Doing so the youngs gain new social skills, skills as ""developer"" and in the same time organizations have an opportunity of achieving higher levels of organizational innovations"

Step by step installation guide of a digital preservation infrastructure part 2

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti, Anna Perin
RT 45; The Ceris-CNR project of digital preservation infrastructure has been committed by Bess (Social Science Electronic Library of Piemonte) for years 2011-2012 and confirmed for year 2013 sponsored by Compagnia di San Paolo of Turin. Ceris-CNR role is to handle all the post-scan of the digitalization, for this purpose it has deployed the software and server platforms of the repository and also the web portal for the presentation, research and consulting.This report is the second part of step by step guide to build the digital archive infrastructure.

Step by step installation guide of a virtual server for bio applications from scratch

Simona Abbà, Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Stefano Ghignone, Valter Giovanetti, Anna Perin
RT 49; CNR IVV and CNR IPP Institutes have been dealing with NGS DATA (Next-gen sequencing) for years, but, until 2012, no CNR-based high-performance server was available. Powerful multi-core servers, clusters and virtual cloud-based machines represent are essential to address the computational demands of NGS. CNR CERIS Institute built up a server for such bio-applications and the joint effort amongst, IVV, IPP and CERIS put the basis for a new bioinformatics facility in the CNR Turin Research Area.


Step by step installation guide of a digital preservation infrastructure

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti, Anna Perin, Tiziano Minuzzo
RT 42; The Ceris-CNR project of digital preservation infrastructure has been committed by Bess (Social Science Electronic Library of Piemonte) for years 2011-2012 sponsored by Compagnia di San Paolo of Turin. Ceris-CNR role is to handle all the post-scan of the digitalization, for this purpose it has deployed the software and server platforms of the repository and also the web portal for the presentation, research and consulting. This report is a guide of step by step followed to build the digital archive infrastructure.

Storage in HA: Manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria (Cluster HA: Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance)

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti, Anna Perin
RT 41; This technical report analyses some ordinary and extraordinary procedures on high availability cluster discussed in Technical Report n.37, ‘Storage HA: active / passive cluster open‐source’. The interventions tested regarding the updating of the operating systems of the two nodes, adding space to an existing partition and adding a second disk to the DRBD replication. The procedures have been designed considering the minimum of interruption of service, in fact most of the operations are performed on one node at a time.

Un quadro internazionale, europeo ed italiano sulla responsabilità sociale delle organizzazioni con focus sull'etica dello sviluppo organizzativo

Erica Rizziato, Erika Nemmo
RT 40; This paper is a overview about the CSR from the point of view of the organization development. We analyze the historical evolution of the concept of CSR and the international, European and Italian landscape focusing on the critical points in the area of organization development. The conclusion of the paper proposes a project which would create a network of action research to promote culture and practices of ethical organization development in Italy.

treatrew: a user-written STATA routine for estimating Average Treatment Effects by reweighting on propensity score

Giovanni Cerulli
RT 43; Reweighting is a popular statistical technique to deal with inference in presence of a non-random sample. In the literature, various reweighting estimators have been proposed. This paper presents the user-written STATA command treatrew implementing the reweighting on propensity score estimator as proposed by Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) in their seminal article, where parameters’ standard errors can be obtained either analytically or via bootstrapping. Since an implementation in STATA of this estimator with analytic standard errors was still missing, this paper (and the ADO-file and HELP-file accompanying it) aims at filling this gap by providing the community with an easy-to-use implementation of the reweighting on propensity score method, as a valuable tool for estimating treatment effects under selection on observables.


Lo stato dell'arte sulle smart grid: orientamenti, attori, prospettive (Smart Grid state of the art: directions, actors, perspectives)

Elena Ragazzi
RT 36;

Patrimonio culturale materiale e immateriale: verso un modello integrato ipotesi progettuale per il distretto tecnologico dei beni culturali(PON 2007-2013)

Edoardo Lorenzetti, Luciana Mariotti
RT 38;The relationship between intangible culture and tangible cultural heritage is so close that it is impossible to separate. It includes monuments and sites, which constitute the primary objectives of the UNESCO activity, as well as historical centers and urban spaces, is so close that it is impossible to separate. The project proposal concerns knowledge of the cultural intangible heritage with in the site identified in a sample of those entered in the World Heritage List, in the Italian regions (Sicily, Puglia and Campania) included in Technological District of the Cultural Heritage, especially with reference to the historical urban spaces, included in the site or in its buffer zone.

Repository e front-end open-source per la conservazione di opere digitali

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti, Anna Perin
RT 39; Ceris-CNR IT Office and Ceris-CNR Library are involved in a digitization project promoted by Bess (Electronic Library of Economic and Social Sciences in Piedmont Area) and commissioned to handle all the post-scan of the digitization. This technical report analyzes the strategies adopted and the main open-source software used. Ceris-CNR had to provide for the management of large volumes of data with the availability of space storage for the digitized works with characteristics of stability, versatility and dynamism. Ceris-CNR has deployed the software and server platforms of the repository, in a virtualized and redundant infrastructure. Ceris–CNR also take care of the design, development and management of the web portal (front-end) for the presentation, research and consulting data of the digitalized items

Storage in HA: Cluster attivo/passivo open-source

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti, Anna Perin
RT 37; Ceris-CNR IT Office manages the CNR Piedmont network infrastructure and provides network services for about 420 users. The development of a large and reliable storage system is the answer to two needs: one from users, who must deal with ever more larger digital objects for personal and research use, and one from need to have a space system engineering to store virtual machines and backup copies. To contain expenditure and without detracting from the reliability of the system, we choose to concentrate financial commitment on quality hardware and realize the whole project with open-source software, specifically the main components are: Linux, DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device), Corosync and Pacemaker.


Accesso Wireless Federato presso l'Infrastruttura di Rete CNR Piemonte (Federated Wireless Network Authentication at Piedmont CNR network Infrastructure)

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti
RT 34; The CNR Ceris IT Office was an active subject in the designing phase of IDEM (federated IDEntity Management for service access), the GARR project of the Italian Federation for network authentication and authorization, and has acquired a wide experience in federated services and in the SAML platform. IDEM has now reached a stable production level and the services accessed through our IdP are appreciated by Piedmont CNR users (for example, electronic publications or videoconferencing reservations). To improve our network services we have extended wireless access with federated authentication to simplify user login and mobility among GARR research and educational institutions. The new feature has been developed by Shibboleth open-source software installed on a Linux Ubuntu server and some code in the PHP language, integrated with the Guest Services of the Sonicwall Network Security Appliance NSA-5500 by secure communication over HTTPS and digitally signed messages.

La diffusione delle ICT nel Sistema Bancario. Seconda edizione

Corio Gian Franco
RT 31; Lo studio sull’Information and Communication Technology applicato al settore bancario ha voluto analizzare le potenzialità di impiego e le direzioni di sviluppo delle ICT nel settore Finance, per comprendere, da un lato, quali componenti delle tecnologie favoriscano l’utilizzo del canale elettronico, dall’altro, l’impatto delle stesse sull’organizzazione e sulla catena del valore.

La diffusione delle ICT nel Sistema delle Assicurazioni. Seconda edizione

Gian Franco Corio
RT 30; Lo studio sulla diffusione delle ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) nel settore delle Assicurazioni ha voluto indagare le potenzialità di impiego e gli aspetti più interessanti relativi alle applicazioni di queste tecnologie negli Istituti Assicurativi ed indicare le potenziali aree di sviluppo delle ICT in questo settore, anche alla luce delle tendenze in atto in ambito normativo.

La dispersione scolastica: situazione, sfide e indicazioni per la provincia di Catania

Elena Ragazzi
RT 33; Progetto opere sociali. Bisogno di educazione ed educazione del bisogno

Progetto E.P.I. per la formazione di Esperti in Processi Innovativi delle Organizzazioni e del Territorio: Sperimentazione di un modello efficiente di transizione Università-Imprese

Erica Rizziato, Paola Melone
RT 32; Progetto FIXO Azione 3 Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali

Recupero dei contenuti scientifici dalla banca dati: Fete du soleil - celebrations of the mediterranean regions - Unesco Mediterranean Programme

Edoardo Lorenzetti, Alberto Paparello
RT 35; This work concerns the activities under the agreement of scientific cooperation between the Cultural Heritage Department of the National Research Council, through CERIS Rome, and the MiBAC UNESCO World Heritage Office, concerning the protection of intangible cultural heritage. In this particolar case, we dealt with the recovery of the scientific content of the database Les Fêtes du Soleil, a project of the UNESCO Mediterranean Programme, financed by the EU under the MEDA - Euromed Heritage Programme.


Dataset in SPSS Indagine sui Musei Scientifici Italiani - 2007 (An SPSS dataset on the Survey on the Italian Scientific Museums - 2007)

Cinzia Spaziani
RT 27; A dataset in SPSS format has been created for collecting and elaborating the results of the Survey on Italian Scientific Museums, reference year 2006. This Report is a synthetic description of the dataset and of the operations done within it. Results from elaborations are partially given as an example of the design and management of the work.

Il protocollo IPv6 presso l'Infrastruttura di rete CNR del Piemonte

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti
"RT 25; The Internet Protocol Version 6 ('IPv6') is the ""next generation"" protocol designed by the IETF to replace the current version Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 ('IPv4'). The IPv6 fixes a number of problems in IPv4, such as the limited number of available IPv4 addresses. It also adds many improvements to IPv4 in areas such as routing and network autoconfiguration. Recent availability of IPv6 in the GARR network and the reasons above give us the input to start IPv6 deployment for network and services of CNR Piedmont Infrastructure. First step for the IPv6 deployment was enable IPv6 for network equipments and servers in the DMZ zone. To test the system function properly we enabled IPv6 for some clients in the LAN zone to connect local and remote Internet services by IPv6 protocol."

Infrastruttura Wireless presso le Strutture CNR Piemonte (The Wireless infrastructure at Piedmont CNR network)

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti
RT 26; The increasing popularity of laptop computer and the work on mobility requirement are the main reasons to deploy a wireless network infrastructure providing a secure internet connection for local and external users. Wireless network has a lot of benefits but it is necessary take special care with security to prevent intrusions and illegal use of the network. Central administered wireless infrastructure is a good solution for security and it allows an easy maintenance of the access point configuration. The Sonicwall Network Security Appliance NSA-5500 is the core of Piedmont CNR Network Infrastructure and its options regarding wireless LAN allow us to deploy a wireless infrastructure meeting all requirements. The main features of our deployment are: multiple SSID announcement, 802.1x protocol support, captive portal authentication, radius and ldap integration, cross-authentication with local and national organizations.

Portale banche dati CERIS - Sede di Roma Aggiornamento e conversione in formato XHTML e CSS

Alberto Paparello
RT 29; The portal of databases, developed during the research activities of the Rome office of CERIS, has been updated with the XHTML and CSS, by the standards of the W3C. It allows to optimize web pages using the XHTML syntax, better than HTML; besides to separate the content from their representation with CSS. The databases are located at www.ceris.cnr.it, selecting the specific section in the browsing menu.

Scienza, Etica e Informazione Atti della Giornata di studio in ricordo di Paolo Bisogno (Science, Ethics and Information.Proceedings of the Study’s Day in memory of Paolo Bisogno)

Rosalia Azzaro Pulvierenti, Anna Maria Scarda
"RT 28; This publication collects the proceedings of a ""Science, Ethics, Information"" day that was dedicated to Paolo Bisogno on the 6th of February 2009, ten years after his death. He was a man of vast and versatile culture, a protagonist of great CNR initiatives, and he was loved deeply for his generous personality. The memories of friends and colleagues are followed by contributions on some of his beloved themes of reflection: communication and scientific education, research ethics and information. Bisogno was perhaps the first scholar in Italy to have an insight in the interconnection among science, ethics and society as a way for a genuine scientific and economic development. It is a challenge to study these issues and to promote a continuous interchange and updating."

Worldwide Global Scenario by Leading Indicators of Energy and Economic Growth

Diego Margon
RT 24; The purpose of this report is a description of some key indicators of energy and economic growth in order to support scientific activity of the institute-CERIS in the global analysis of market energy and economic growth.The figures can provide a practical support to scholars, practitioners and policy makers to have an immediate description of worldwide trends in leading indicators of energy and economic growth. These results can be a first basis for further research investigations by scholars specialized in these research topics.


Documentazione di sintesi dei processi di sviluppo locale avviati e sviluppati dal progetto Pit Promos Area siciliana delle Madonie

Erica Rizziato, Paola Melone
RT 22; This paper describes the processes of the PIT Promos project – in the Sicilian area of Madonie – developed by a new methodology of Ceris. The methodology, based on action research, created a social network – process owner - and promoted experimental processes concerning local businesses, tourism, cultural and environmental heritage, typical food products.

ICT e piccole e medie imprese

Gian Franco Corio
RT 20;

La diffusione delle ICT nel Sistema Bancario. Prima edizione

Gian Franco Corio
RT 18;

La diffusione delle ICT nel sistema delle assicurazioni. Prima edizione

Gian Franco Corio
RT 19;

L’approccio allo sviluppo locale di Adriano Olivetti. I Centri Comunitari

Erica Rizziato, Paola Melone
RT 23; This technical paper describes the experience of community centres created by Adriano Olivetti between 1950 and 1960 in Piemonte. In these centres Adriano Olivett’s partners organised social, economic and cultural activities to promote sustainable development and local leadership based on social well being.

L’esperienza recente del Ceris nell’organizzazione di convegni scientifici nazionali e/o internazionali

Nadia Marengo, Giuseppina Monteleone, Anna Perin, Massimiliana Peron, Silvana Zelli, Maria Zittino
RT 21; This Technical Report presents a detailed description of the combined efforts made by the organisational staff in order to deal with recent Ceris-Cnr’s conventions. The purpose is to create a list of useful guidelines for the organisation of forthcoming national and international meetings and conferences.

Rapporto sui fabbisogni formativi nell'ambito della valorizzazione dei teatri antichi

Gian Franco Corio
RT 16;


Fiere Virtuali Web: tipologie e funzioni (Web trade fair: typologies and functions)

Edoardo Lorenzetti
RT 17; The objective of this report was to search the web for trade fair sites. Rather than focus on specific industrial/trade sectors, in the initial phase of the inquiry, our priority was to outline the typological and functional features of online fairs: ranging from simple data bases, nominally virtual environments, to a number of multifunctional portals. In quantitative terms, the research focused on a sample of 16 significant websites. The effectiveness of their online presence/activity is explained by 7 macro variables, each described by a subgroup of 34 micro variables. This makes it possible the construction of a detailed analysis framework analysis of the websites examined, as illustrated in the tables and graphs included in the present report.

I Clusters Aerospaziali nel Regno Unito (Aerospace clusters in the United Kingdom)

Elisa Salvador
RT 15; This report aims at investigating the aerospace clusters context at present in place in the United Kingdom. After an overview of the aerospace sector at the national level, with particular attention devoted to the most important actors in this field, it follows a deep analysis of the regional aerospace English clusters. Main clusters in the aerospace industry in the UK are localized in the Midlands region, in the North West and in the South West. All these clusters are investigated. The analysis looks at the specific regional context and the general characteristics of every aerospace cluster. It follows an analysis of the regional alliance operating in the sector and of the specific strategy implemented by the regional cluster investigated. All these clusters are very specialized and have similar characteristics and gaps. Furthermore, the most important actors of the aerospace English market, such as BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce, are localized in all the clusters analysed.

Il data base sul funzionamento Project Funding in Italia (Project Funding in Italy: organization and composition of the data base)

Maria Bonato
RT 13; The paper describe the organization and the composition of the ENIP Project data base. The data are Government R/D funding for twenty years and the data base is an instrument for same comparative analysis.

Indagine, catalogazione di strutture e attività di ricerca CNR per l’analisi di eventuali dimensioni etiche (A Survey on Research Activities in Progress within the CNR for an Analysis of Possible Ethical Dimensions)

Silvia Ciancio Malcotti
RT 12; Our work hypothesis moves from the idea that a self-assumption of responsibility of scientists is an added value to the quality of research, it also facilitates the application of results and contributes to create a positive opinion about science in the population. This survey is a first attempt of pointing out possible ethical questions, which searchers could face during their daily activities of scientific research, by involving directly, in a second phase, the interested researchers within the National Research Council (e. g. through personal interviews).

Innovazione tecnologica nel settore lapideo Un’indagine sul distretto apuo-versiliese

Giuseppe Calabrese, Giovanni Leone, Secondo Rolfo, Giampaolo Vitali
RT 09;

La filiera aeronautica e aerospaziale in Piemonte

Secondo Rolfo, Giampaolo Vitali, Alessandra Ressico
RT 11;

Motivazione e sviluppo organizzativo verso un appproccio europeo

Erica Rizziato
RT 14;

Nota sulla valutazione degli Istituti del Dipartimento Identità Culturale

Giovanna Morelli, Emanuela Reale, Secondo Rolfo, Roberto Zoboli
RT 08;

Progetto speciale logistica dell'ICE per il distretto sedia di Marzano. Come coagulare l’interesse di un gruppo di aziende per formare un nucleo di sviluppo nel distretto: un approccio innovativo per focalizzare i temi chiave e le criticità

Erica Rizziato
RT 10;


Guida alla biblioteca del Ceris-Cnr (Ceris-Cnr library handbook)

Anna Perin
RT 03; Obiettivo di questo rapporto tecnico è di introdurre ed illustrare l’organizzazione della biblioteca del Ceris-Cnr. Si tratta di una fotografia dell’attuale biblioteca contenente i link a tutto quello che è stato citato. Il rapporto è diviso in tre capitoli: 1. Presentazione: cosa trovo e dove lo trovo; 2. I servizi della biblioteca: quali sono e come funzionano; 3. La ricerca bibliografica: cosa cerco e dove lo devo cercare.

La Piazza dei Mestieri di Torino: l'origine dell'idea (The idea of Piazza dei Mesteri of Torino)

Gian Franco Corio
RT 06; The aim of this report is to illustrate the links between the development of the Piazza dei Mestieri and the identity and the culture of its area. The aim is also to clarify the 'sense' of the values and the image of Piazza. At last, to define the system of relationships and the self-expansion of the structure, showing the style of life of the Foundation.

Le mission della Piazza dei Mestieri di Torino (The mission of Piazza dei Mestieri of Torino)

Gian Franco Corio
RT 07; The mission of the Piazza dei Mestieri is the sign of the determination of management and is based on possible and probable elements. It has represented a difficult initiative with regard to strategies, organization, settlement of choices, competitive ambits and relative decisions about products, resources and competences.

Nuovi strumenti informativi ed operativi a supporto delle attività previste dal Centro di Coordinamento Ricerca e Sviluppo (CCRS) della Provincia di Roma: l’Osservatorio Permanente per la Scienza e la Tecnologia - Studio di fattibilità. New instruments to support the activities of the Research and Development Coordination Center of the Province of Rome: the Permanent Observatory for Science and Technology - Study of feasibility)

Edoardo Lorenzetti
RT 02; In order to foster the implementation of the institutional aims of the Rome Province's Research and Development Coordination Centre, a proposal is made to set up a Technology Observatory as a reference point for all the agents in the sectors involved, for the agencies and the public. A central aspect of this structure will be an information system whose data are designed according a 4W (Who, What, Where, With) model. The model is open to a further development on cartographic bases.

Progettazione di un database per la gestione delle analisi di biologia molecolare: MLO.(Planning of a database for the management of the analyses of molecular Biology: MLO)

Giancarlo Birello, Ivano Fucile, Valter Giovanetti
RT 01; The goal of the plan 'MLO' is to offer a computer science solution, based on the creation, organisation and management of a database built with data coming from the analyses of molecular Biology. We think of facilitating the management and the use of data. This proposal will focus on the following points: − Client/server infrastructure − Input of the analysis data − Identifying management − data research.The IT Office of the Turin Area of Research (National Council of Research) will carry out this plan, and will deal with the existing data and their migration to the new system and every necessary operation.