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Labour productivity and social network metrics in scientific research
Insights on the efficiency of Embodied Knowledge Transfer. Results from a localized initiative
Come valutare l'efficacia della formazione professionale per l'integrazione dei soggetti deboli. Lezioni dall'esperienza dell'area Istruzione e Formazione Professionale della Provincia di Torino
Identification and Estimation of Treatment Effects in the Presence of Neighbourhood Interactions
La crisi finanziaria nei bilanci delle imprese. Una nota con i dati Mediobanca
Une expérience d'intégration entre analyse quantitative et qualitative. L'évaluation de la formation professionnelle en Région Piémont
Il sistema pesca. Italia e Europa a confronto
I dati amministrativi per la valutazione delle politiche. Riscontri dall'esperienza piemontese sul FSE
Mapping the environmental pressure due to economic factors. The case of Italian coastal municipalities
La ricerca azione: un approccio per comprendere ed interagire con i processi delle dinamiche socio-economiche
Vocational training and labour market: inclusion or segregation paths? An integrated approach on immigrant trainees in Piedmont
The impact of Rural Development Program on the economic performances of agro-food industry: the results of a counterfactual analysis in Piedmont, Italy
A collective land tenure system with popular shareholding and sustainable agriculture
Strategie di conservazione della biodiversità animale zootecnica in aree montane
Politiques publiques et secteur agro-industriel. Le rôle du programme de développement rural en Piémont
Gender inequalities and labour integration. An integrated approach to vocational training in Piedmont
Italy's New Requirements for Academic Careers. The New Habilitation and its Worthiness
Making access to credit more democratic. Tools and practices between social innovation and old inequalities
Etica ed economia, famiglia & impresa. Filosofia sociale e prospettive concrete
Debt capacity bancaria e credit crunch: alcune osservazioni empiriche
