Technostress. Test di valutazione: il modello SOGI

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Technostress. Test di valutazione: il modello SOGI


Working Paper Ircres-CNR 08/2017. This work develops a model (SOGI) for the evaluation of technostress in all kind of workplaces. The aim is to understand the causal determinants of technostress and it is based on models already developed by Nathan and Ayyagary. SOGI is specifically devoted to the evaluation of risk deriving from the use of ICT (Information and Communication Techonology). It considers technologies , independently of possible purposes. The model is presented in a descriptive way; starting from the technological features the evaluator can understand those aspects of a technology that can become technostressors and therefore can determine the emergence of technostress problems in the exposed worker: work satisfaction, organizational engagement, and continued commitment can indicate the presence of technostress in a worker. Moderators, individual differences, and inhibitors are the factors that can respectively reduce / increase the technostressors' danger and the effects of technostressors. Some examples of application of the SOGI model are presented. The possibilities for the SOGI implementation (test) are presented in annex.




