Mappe cognitive per analizzare i processi di creazione e diffusione della conoscenza negli Istituti di ricerca (Cognitive maps to analyze the creation and diffusion processes of knowledge in the Research Institutes)

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Mappe cognitive per analizzare i processi di creazione e diffusione della conoscenza negli Istituti di ricerca (Cognitive maps to analyze the creation and diffusion processes of knowledge in the Research Institutes)


WP 05/2003; The internal communication represents a final aim of the organizations in order to be productive in the long run, and a means for the spreading of the organizational culture. The present work, deepening the thought of Nonaka, Argyris and Schön, has the purpose of analysing the ways of conversion of knowledge and the dynamics of learning inside a Scientific Research Institute. The aim is to look for and detect elements that can be referred to the single or double loop learning processes, as well as to underline the passage from the individual to the organizational learning. The research uses the methodology of the Cognitive Mapping with the Self Q-Self technique, developed in four rounds on a sample of fifteen researchers. The results emerged from the individual cognitive maps and from the congregate map show the need to improve the intra-organizational communicative dynamics that have turned out to be rather slow and complex. The research has further caused immediate improvements both for the exteriorization of the individual implicit knowledge and for the combination of interdisciplinary learning. The work is brought to a close by some management implications.


Emanuele Cadario


CNR Ceris


