Quaderni IRCrES

Quaderni IRCrES

Quaderni CNR-IRCrES.
19 objects


Gerolamo Cuneo. Scritti di biochimica 1891-1923. Quaderni IRCrES 20

Grazia Biorci
Two years after the publication of Gerolamo Cuneo. Sull’epilessia. Scritti 1909-1928 (Biorci, 2022) by the publisher Città del Silenzio, this work proposes the integration and completion of the recovery of the entire scientific production of the Ligurian scholar. The articles published by Cuneo in this new collection outline the premises and theoretical approach upon which subsequent research on the diagnosis and treatment of certain neurological diseases will be based. This work presents the scholar’s early articles, published from 1885 onwards, in which the research initially focuses on laboratory analyses of a purely chemical and biochemical nature, progressing in subsequent years to research aimed at treating certain “morbid” conditions afflicting the patients of the Genoa Quarto Asylum. The evolutionary process of Cuneo’s thought and work will lead to the formulation of a different clinical perspective on neurological diseases, including serious ones such as depression and epilepsy. According to the scholar, indeed, such diseases can be caused by the consequences of a biochemical imbalance in the body, often due to factors related to metabolism.


Ambiente, salute e lavoro: analisi empiriche per uno sviluppo integrato. Quaderni IRCrES 19

Mario Nosvelli

Caratteristiche statistiche di alcune serie storiche contabili. Quaderni IRCrES 18

Franco Varetto
This research is devoted to a general analysis of long-term accounting time series from Dati Cumulativi of Mediobanca, 1989-2021. After a methodological introduction and a literature survey, the statistical study has been organized around two great sections: in the first have been analyzed the statistical characteristics of 61 accounting series about profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, financial flows, and typical ratios. The results have confirmed that stock variables have more memory than flow variables, with mixed evidence about ratios. In the second great section has been studied the persistence of seven profitability ratios for each of the 22 economic sectors that compose the Dati Cumulativi. The persistence of profitability has been examined using autoregressive models of first order, whose results have been confirmed by three other approaches: non-parametric statistics, transition matrices and binomial lattices.

Torino creativa. Specializzazioni, impatti e profili di consumo.

Giovanna Segre, Giampaolo Vitali
Quaderni IRCrES 17


Agile working in Public Research Organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic

Emanuela Reale
CNR-IRCrES has investigated on the effects of the agile working on researchers and technologists, in the specific context of the Italian Public Research Organizations (PROs), during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project is one of the research initiatives launched by the CNR to deal with the emergency of COVID-19. Between February and March 2021, one year after the widespread emergency adoption of agile working during the COVID-19 pandemic, a survey was launched, which was based on a structured online questionnaire targeted to the research personnel working in two Italian PROs. Our investigation focuses on several dimensions either directly related to the research work – namely: scientific creativity and productivity, researchers’ well being, the use of ICT tools – or involving general aspects, such as the effects on the environment by the reduction of the carbon footprint.

CNR case histories in the Blue Planet Economy

Giampaolo Vitali, Isabella Maria Zoppi
This volume gathers the eighteen interventions of the researchers of the National Research Council of Italy presented at the Blue Planet Economy European Maritime Forum 2021. These include conference papers and extended writings deriving from the transcription of the videos produced specifically for a session dedicated to the Mediterranean. These contributions touch on seemingly distant themes, such as economy, archaeology, ecological transition, tourism, culture…, organized into four sections: Economics and Green Economy, Strategies and Policies, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, and Borders and Societies. They show that the complexity of the current situation stems from history, different cultures, societies and religions that have shaped the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin.

Lo sviluppo locale: un approccio sistemico e generativo con la leadership orizzontale

Erica Rizziato
This volume is divided in three parts. The first part proposes some reflections on local development strategies and the analyses of the critical points in the framework of EU polices, with the contribution of an expert, who had experimented concrete applications for over 30 years. He presents how was possible for him to overcome the difficult implementation of the EU LEADER approach thanks to the methodology of horizontal leadership for integrated organizations and territories (LOOI), developed in a CNR-IRCrES project. The second part describes the basics of the LOOI methodology, which proposes a systemic approach and generate new process and competences, briefly described as systemic competences and meta competences framework for a local development expert. The third part describes two application cases of the methodology: one is about a cooperation projects among 4 territories in Sicily, the other is about placement, after university, considered as a particular type of local development, connecting within a specific territory Universities, young people and organizations.


L' efficacia degli incentivi agli investimenti in sicurezza.

Elena Ragazzi, Giuliano Salberini, Stefano Signorini, Marco Accorinti, Chiara Colagiacomo, Francesco Gagliardi, Angelo Castaldo, Secondo Rolfo
Il quaderno fornisce un quadro assolutamente inedito sullo strumento degli Incentivi di Sostegno alle Imprese, i cosiddetti Bandi ISI, che sostengono le imprese che realizzano investimenti che migliorino le condizioni di sicurezza e di salute dei luoghi di lavoro. Idealmente la politica mira a un target di imprese caratterizzate da maggiore rischio, a causa della piccola dimensione o del tipo di lavorazione o ancora del settore produttivo, e fornisce un contributo a fondo perduto per realizzare investimenti che apportino una riduzione del rischio di infortunio o di quello di contrarre malattie professionali. Si tratta della prima volta in cui viene pubblicato un quadro completo del sistema di implementazione di questa politica gestita dall’Inail, quadro dotato di un ampio corredo di informazioni qualitative e quantitative. Questo è stato reso possibile per la piena collaborazione offerta dall’Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro (Inail) che nel proprio Piano delle attività di ricerca 2016-2018 aveva già intrapreso un percorso di ricerca che aveva come obiettivo la valutazione della sostenibilità e dell’efficacia degli interventi di prevenzione.

Macchingegno: lavoro, scienza, energia tra il XVI e il XIX secolo. Dispensa per gli animatori scientifici dell’Ecomuseo del Freidano.

Grazia Biorci
This handbook is mainly addressed to the scientific animators of the Ecomuseo del Freidano who are in charge to propose to the public the exploration of the multimedia product Macchingegno. The manual has a double function. On the one hand it is a practical tool to become confident with the multimedia application and make it work, on the other hand it is a brief and precise compendium on the history of energy and of the machines that produce it: machines and genius are the core topics of this work and of its contents. The aim of this manual is to give as many explanations as possible to the animators, trying to be exhaustive, but concise, so that they can easily relate to the users of the museum with competence, besides, of course, their personal knowledge acquired at university.



Quaderni Ircres numero 1/2018

Mario Coccia, Ugo Finardi, Isabella Bianco, Angelo Bonomi

Quaderni Ircres numero 2/2018. Territori e Scenari. Ripensare il Mediterraneo

Antonella Emina, Michele Brondino, Massimo Quaini, Samantha Novello, Stefano Roascio

Quaderni Ircres numero 3/2018. Narrazioni dal Secolo Breve. Ripensare il Mediterraneo

Miriam Begliuomini, Jaques Meny, Yvonne Fracassetti, Antonella Emina, Mauro Bico, Isabella Maria Zoppi


Quaderni Ircres numero 1/2017. What is the relation between public manager compensation and government effectiveness? An explorative analysis with public management implications

Mario Coccia, Igor Benati
Public managers play a central role in public administration to support the overall efficiency with appropriate public policies. In several countries, the public considers the central government senior managers overpaid. These executive compensations tend to be considered disproportionate and in-equitable in relation to the activity and results of public managers. A growing literature has analysed the possible determinants and consequences of higher levels of compensation in public and private organizations. However, a main question unknown is how the levels of compensation of public managers are related to the capacity of the government to effectively formulate and implement sound policies. The findings of this study, based on OECD and World Bank data, show that the government effectiveness and regulatory quality of nations seem to be negatively associated to high levels of compensation for central government senior manager, standardized with GDP per capita of countries. This study also shows that some possible factors of the findings can be due to low level of freedom of expression, rule of law and corruption control of some countries. These results provide fruitful insights to support best practices in public administration based on salaries in-centive-oriented that may stimulate public managers’ work and enhance the national government effectiveness of countries.

Quaderni Ircres numero 2/2017.The relation between public manager compensation and members of parliament’s salary across OECD countries: explorative analysis and possible determinants with public policy implications

Mario Coccia, Igor Benati
The compensation for central government senior managers has been the focus of considerable attention from the public, media and academia in recent years. In several countries, the average compensation of public managers, especially top level ones, has risen in a way that public considers disproportionate and inequitable. In this context, there is a hot debate that the government senior managers are overpaid. A growing literature has analysed the possible determinants of com-pensation in public and private organizations. However, some political and institutional factors af-fecting public managers’ compensation are hardly known. Here, we show that the average compen-sation for central government senior managers seems to be positively associated to average salary of members of parliament (MPs), standardized with GDP per capita of countries. In addition, results show that higher levels of compensation for central government senior managers are mainly in countries based on Mixed Executive. We also show that higher public manager compensations are associated to countries with lower freedom of expression, freedom of association, free media, lower quality of contract enforcement, property rights and corruption control. These results can provide fruitful insights to support reforms and best practices that improve the efficiency of public administration, mainly in latecomer countries.


Quaderni Ircres numero 1/2016. Emerging costs deriving from blackouts for individual firms: evidence from an Italian case study

Clementina Bruno, Ugo Finardi, Azahara Lorite-Espejo, Elena Ragazzi
Among the costs deriving to firms from electric blackouts, emerging costs are the less studied ones. This work aims at shedding some light on the specific topic with an empirical approach. It performs in fact three case studies, describing blackout emerging costs for three firms of very different industries. Data obtained in the cases are described, and a cost function is tentatively sketched. Case studies show that emerging costs, though not prevailing in value over the lost production costs, may be relevant in some cases. At the end of the work, conclusions are drawn, and learned lessons are outlined.