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Does the run-up of privatisation work as an effective incentive mechanism? Preliminary findings from a sample of Italian firms
Aspetti gestionali e analisi dell'efficienza nel settore della distribuzione del gas (Managerial aspects and efficiency analysis in the gas distribution industry)
Osservatorio sulla dinamica economico-finanziaria delle imprese della filiera dell'auto in Piemonte. Secondo Rapporto 1999-2002
Osservatorio sulla dinamica economico-finanziaria delle imprese della filiera del tessile e dell'abbigliamento in Piemonte. Primo Rapporto 1999-2002
Lo stato di salute del sistema industriale piemontese: analisi economico-finanziaria delle imprese piemontesi. Terzo rapporto 1999-2002
Le martingale aspetti teorici e applicativi.(The martingales: theoretical and empirical characteristics)
Regulatory and Environmental Effects on Public Transit Efficiency. A Mixed Dea-Sfa Approach
Benefit analysis. Assessing the cost of blackouts in case of attack. Evaluation based on Italian and Polish case studies
Drivers of regional efficiency differentials in Italy: technical inefficiency or allocative distortions?
Privatization in Italy: an analysis of factors productivity and technical efficiency