Promozione dell’Imprenditorialità nelle Nuove Tecnologie. Caso Studio: Associazione “La Storia nel Futuro”

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Promozione dell’Imprenditorialità nelle Nuove Tecnologie. Caso Studio: Associazione “La Storia nel Futuro”


Working Paper Ircres-CNR 09/2018. This work aims to describe the activity of the Italian association “La Storia nel Futuro” which organizes study tours for students, managers and entrepreneurs to Silicon Valley. Its task is to favor the creation of start-ups, to improve firms’ organization and business models , and the transfer of the technological culture of Silicon Valley at the base of success of this territory. The tour, organized with the help of SVIEC, the Silicon Valley Italian Executive Council, normally includes discussions in Italian with Italian researchers, managers and entrepreneurs working in the Silicon Valley. In addition to the study tours, the association organizes tech scouting stages for firms and start-ups in the Silicon Valley and conferences in Italy on the Silicon Valley experience. Between 2005 and 2017 a total of 314 students and 285 people of firms have made this experience. At the return of the tour, study tours for students have generated about 20 startups. Concerning the tours for firms, a survey on a sample of 30 participating people has shown that the major interest in carrying out this trip was the novelty of firm organization followed by the models of business.


Angelo Bonomi




